Chem trails / Chemie bei der Arbeit

Now it is up to chemistry. The first bath removes the paint on the car layer by layer. A second bath neutralizes the acid. The next bath eats all rust. With some luck, the body comes out of that bath with the floor panels still attached.  Jetzt ist die Chemie an der Reihe. Das...

Ready to ship / Fertig zur Abreise

So after a lot of work, the little breadbox is ready to ship. The roof has a list of parts included inside the car. Yes, I did forget the front grill. Nach viel Arbeit ist die kleine Brotkiste fertig zur reise nach Stuttgart. Auf dem Dach steht die Liste der Blechteile, die Im Wagen...

We have a Problem…

Wir haben da ein Problem… I was so focused on all the conversion issues that I completely neglected to look at the car itself. The photos show only very little on how bad the actual damage is. The entire rear left panel is junk. All bottom edges consist of filler only, and many holes...

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