
T-962A Reflow Solder Oven     

This solder oven from China is cheap and sturdy. It has a bunch of technical issues that are quite easy to fix, thanks to Unified Engineering, a Swedish organization that has made an alternative firmware available for free.

Step 1: Grounding Wire

Remove the top lid by removing 7 screws in the back and two more under the front lip above the drawer. The drawe can be removed by lifting two plastic latches on the sliders.

Remove the grounding ring, then completely remove the paint that keeps the grounding pin from touching the metal, the reattach the ring. Even better, puchase two ground terminals and connect a second wire to the lid.

Step 2: Replace Masking Tape

Remove all masking tape on the heat protection. Don’t forget to remove the tape in the front under the heat shield. Replace with multiple layers of Kapton tape or other non-conductive heat resitant material.

Step 3: Reflash the Firmware

Get a USB-to-Serial 3.3V adapter and hook it up to the ISP connector inside the oven (deatils will follow). Download the firmware and a software to flash the mikrocontroller.

Flashing the LPC21xx.

Step 4: Solder in the Temperature Sensor

    1: GND  -----=====
    2: DQ   -----|   |  (TO-92, flat side up)
    3: VDD  -----=====
  • GPIO0.7 as data line, next to pad is 3.3V, add 4k7 pulluup
  • 3.3V power supply
  • GND
  • Tempsensor Mod

Step 5: System Fan Speed Control

hook up the fan control

    1: source -----=====
    2: gate   -----|   |  (TO-92, flat side up)
    3: drain  -----=====
  • AD0 test point to Gate
  • GND to Source
  • Fan to Drain

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