Hover car / ein schwebender Bus
Life is so much better with a service lift. Das Leben ist mit Hebebühne gleich viel schöner....
Life is so much better with a service lift. Das Leben ist mit Hebebühne gleich viel schöner....
Now that the car body is back in the shop, I am starting to look through existing parts to find out what I can clean and rebuild, and what I need to replace. The electric system is very brittle and has cracks and cuts everywhere. I considered creating my own cable loom, but decided...
Now it is up to chemistry. The first bath removes the paint on the car layer by layer. A second bath neutralizes the acid. The next bath eats all rust. With some luck, the body comes out of that bath with the floor panels still attached. Jetzt ist die Chemie an der Reihe. Das...
So after a lot of work, the little breadbox is ready to ship. The roof has a list of parts included inside the car. Yes, I did forget the front grill. Nach viel Arbeit ist die kleine Brotkiste fertig zur reise nach Stuttgart. Auf dem Dach steht die Liste der Blechteile, die Im Wagen...
After soldering and assembling my 7 segment display modules, I saw a very unexpected behavior in most of the modules. Some displays worked just fine, but some would flip – or half-flip – multiple segments at once. After much testing, I saw that the modules with the green PCBs worked, but the blue ones...